Working-class Conservatives in the United States

There are socially conservative working-class people in the United States and observation of the evidence makes that reality clear.
According to the CPS, the median household income was $63,179 in 2018. According to the ACS, the U.S. median household income in 2018 was $61,937.
27% of people with household incomes under $30,000 are Republican. 39% of people with household incomes between $30,000 and $49,999 are Republican, and 45% between $50,000 and $99,999 are Republican. That means there are tens of millions of socially conservative people from below-average-income households in the United States.
36% of voters with incomes under $15,000 vote Republican, 43% of Republicans support labor unions, and White working-class voters with high school diplomas, some college without degrees vote Republican by margins of over 20 points. (Bill Fay
"As of 2021, over one-third of the American public self-identifies as conservative. The Republican Party represents conservatives in the United States, with 74% of Republicans identifying as conservative, compared to only 12% of Democrats"
"As of 2022, Republican-leaning voters are more likely than Democrats to prioritize the issues of immigration, the budget deficit, and strengthening the military"
"A Pew Research study in 2015 found that the most reliable Republican demographics were Mormons and Evangelicals"
"The ideological balance of the country remained center-right in 2019, with 37% of Americans, on average, identifying as conservative"
"In North America, since the mid to late 20th century, social conservatism arose as a response to federal action on social issues — such as freedom of religion, the reduction in criminal penalties, freedom of conscience, and abortion — which members perceived as a threat to conservative values and societal order.
Historically, in Western democracies, the two defining social divides have been the economic one between workers and capitalists, and the religious or cultural one between social conservatism and social liberalism, according to an article by Tobias Cremer. “As a result, for most of the 20th century the West’s politics was dominated by questions about economic redistribution, taxation, and class relations, as well as social issues such as abortion, church-state relations, and sexual freedom,” he says."
39% of the US, 45% of the US without college degrees, 46% of the US without any college, 42% of the US with some college, 41% of the US with incomes under $40k, and 37% of the US with incomes between $40k and $99k are pro-life.
60% of Americans believe that gender is determined by sex at birth. 38% believe gender ideology has gone too far. 46% support making transing children illegal. 41% oppose teaching gender ideology in school and using biologically incongruent bathrooms. 37% believe parents who trans children should be investigated for child abuse. Only 27% of Americans believe insurance should be legally compelled to cover gender transition treatments. 66% of Americans with a high school education or less believe as do 60% with some college. A majority, 54%, of those with degrees agree lest certain ideologues were to portray it as a lack of education and intelligence.
71% of Americans oppose late-term abortions and 66% of Americans believe the physical risk to the mother's life is the only circumstance to abort children after 20 weeks of gestation.
65% of Americans want to ban second-trimester abortions and 80% want to ban third-trimester abortions.
36% of Americans, a plurality, want to decrease immigration, 48% view illegal immigration as a critical threat, and 35% are dissatisfied with immigration policy and want to decrease immigration.
58% of Americans oppose Critical Race Theory.
The SPLC found that 67% of Republicans oppose Pan Europa and Practical Idealism being implemented in the US.
28% of US men and 22% of US women say feminism does more harm than good. 41% of US men and 28% of US women say masculinity is under threat. 17% of US adults say men have lost economic, social, and political power due to feminism including 23% of US men and 15% of US women.
18% of the US identifies as feminist.
29% of US women identify as feminists while 69% stated that they do not identify as feminists. 50% of US believe abortion is immoral, 61% believe porn is immoral, and over a third believe porn should be banned. Liberal women are almost as likely to support banning porn as conservative men.
55% of Mississippi and 52% of Arkansas oppose calling same-sex unions marriage. Mississippi has the lowest median household income in the US at $44,966 and Arkansas's median household income is the second lowest at $50,540.,3,9
The majority of the US supports school prayers.

In 2016 Trump got 63 million votes and won the states with the highest Gini coefficients. 41% of voters with incomes under $30k voted for Trump.

In 2016 Trump got 41% of voters with incomes of under $50,000 and 43% of voters from union households.

According to the Roper Center at Cornell, in 2020 Trump got 74 million votes with 44% of people with incomes under $50,000 voting for Trump and 40% of voters from union households.

According to Statista, in 2020 Trump got 74 million votes with 43% of people with incomes under $50,000 voting for Trump.

In 2000 Bush got 38% of voters with incomes under $15,000 and 42% of voters with incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 as well as 37% votes in union households.

In 2000 Bush got 36% of voters with incomes under $15,000 and 42% of voters with incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 as well as 40% votes in union households.

In 2008 McCain got 25% of voters with incomes under $15,000 and 37% of voters with incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 as well as 39% votes in union households.

In 2012 Romney got 38% of voters with incomes under $50,000 and 40% of voters in union households.


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