Why there was no red tsunami
Why there was no red tsunami The GOP was not unapologetically pro-life. Gallup found that 39% of Americans are pro-life. That is 129,637,424 people. That is more than enough for a red tsunami. Millions attend March for Life events. Gallup found that 50% support restricting abortion. That is 166,201,825 people. Again, that is more than enough for a red tsunami. Eighty-one percent of voters who are satisfied with the overturning of Roe, and 95% of voters who are enthusiastic about the overturning of Roe voted Republican. The Republican Party needs to differentiate itself from the Democratic Party to give American voters a choice. Exit polling shows that 90% of voters who believe abortion should be illegal in most cases vote Republican as do 88% of voters who believe abortion should be illegal in all cases. 89% of voters who say abortion should be illegal vote Republican. Eighty-three percent of evangelical Christians vote Republican. Sucking up to the corporate plutocracy, Wall Street and the country club types will not cut it. Exit polls also show that 56% of men and 59% of married men vote Republican, 55% of voters married with children vote Republican, 52% of unmarried men vote Republican, 56% of married women vote Republican, whereas 68% of unmarried women vote Democrat and 51% of voters with children vote Republican. If the GOP had strategic nous they would make it easier for men to get married and have children. Leaning into social issues and cultural issues makes sense as 7% of liberals and 41% of moderates vote Republican whereas 91% of conservatives do. It is obvious where the base is and where support comes from. The New Yorker complained about how well Republicans did in school board races after Republicans had leaned in heavily to socially conservative culture war issues. The GOP should do more to oppose critical race theory and anti-White racism in general. Kimberlé Crenshaw, a critical race theory advocate, assailed color-blind laws due to unequal outcomes. This is nothing less than advocating race-based discriminatory laws. Equality under the law prevents creating further racial resentment. The GOP should ban the teaching of CRT in schools and colleges. CRT is taught but critical class theory and critical imperial theory are not as the latter two might breed solidarity and opposition to foreign wars. Polls show 66% of voters who attend religious services weekly, 58% of voters who sometimes attend religious services, and 52% of voters who occasionally attend religious services vote Republican, whereas 66% of voters who never attend religious services vote for the Democrats. Republicans should make it clear that abortion and what is euphemistically termed "gender affirmation" are not healthcare. Republicans should point out that the Hippocratic Oath prohibits abortion. Republicans should ask why something which ought to be self-evident needs chemical castration, surgical sterilization, and other forms of mutilation? The GOP should introduce bills banning the chemical castration, surgical sterilization, and mutilation of children even if the bills have no chance of passing as it would compel Democrats to argue against and vote against such statutes. Recent Tennessee bills demonstrate this. Opinion polling shows that 60% of Americans say gender is determined by the sex assigned at birth; 38% of Americans and 66% of Republicans say gender ideology has gone too far. A recent poll on the midterms found that 70% of voters oppose gender transition procedures on minors including 80% of independents and 43% of Democrats. A Summit and McLaughlin and Associates poll found that 64% of Americans say gender dysphoria is not a healthy human condition, and 90% oppose gender-altering procedures on minors. Seventy-two percent of Americans oppose teaching sexual identity and sexual behavior in elementary school, 42% believe it is inappropriate, and 30% believe it is dangerous and leads to grooming. Ron DeSantis, who was losing to Andrew Gillum prior to Trump’s endorsement, won against Charlie Crist by 20%, despite the fact that the Parental Rights In Education Act did not go anywhere near far enough. Republicans should ban teaching gender ideology in all schools and colleges; not merely to third grade. To whom does being a squish on social issues and cultural issues appeal? Eighty-four percent of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender voters vote Democrat, and 53% of voters who are not gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender vote Republican. Voters will not reward getting squelched by Democrats on social issues and cultural issues. Ninety-two percent of voters with a favorable view of Joe Biden voted Democrat, and 85% of voters with an unfavorable view of Joe Biden voted Republican. Seventy-seven percent of voters with an unfavorable view of Donald Trump voted Democrat, and 95% of voters with a favorable view of Donald Trump voted Republican. Ninety-two percent of voters with a favorable view of Nancy Pelosi voted Democrat, and 79% of voters with an unfavorable view of Nancy Pelosi voted Republican. Eighty-six percent of voters who disapprove of Biden’s presidency and 95% of voters who strongly disapprove of Biden’s presidency vote Republican. On healthcare, the GOP should be courageous and advocate for universal coverage. Republicans should point out that Medicare for All would save $5.1 trillion over a decade, which is money a nation $30 trillion in debt needs to save. Republicans should remind people that Medicare for All would save the lives of 68,000 Americans per year. In 2018, a Kaiser Family Foundation poll found 64% of Republicans support Medicare for All, and 75% overall support it, and a Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 51% of Republicans support Medicare for all and 70% overall support it. In yet another poll in 2018, The Hill and HarrisX American Barometer found 52% Republican support and 70% overall support for Medicare for All. The Hill-HarrisX did a similar poll in 2020 finding 46% of Republicans supported Medicare for All and 69% overall support. This is imperative, as Medicare funds are projected to be depleted by 2026. Another imperative is Social Security which is projected to be depleted in 2034. There are 56 million Americans older than 65 now but there will be over 78 million. Given that older people support the GOP, it is the party’s duty to serve the base. The fact is, the $160,200 cap should be a lot higher, and it only benefits wealthy globalists who are hostile to socially conservative Republicans. Rick Scott’s advocacy of eliminating federal programs in point six of his Rescue America plan was electorally suicidal as was Ron Johnson’s advocacy of Congress reviewing the qualifications for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security on an annual basis. The obstacle this made on the road to a red tsunami cannot be understated. Exit polling found that 66% of voters in gun-owning households vote Republican, 76% of voters who support gun control vote Democrat, and 88% of voters who oppose gun control vote Republican. Republicans should defend the Second Amendment by opposing all forms of gun control, including repealing currently existing restrictions on gun ownership. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is clear without any ambiguity. The GOP should live by the maxim under no pretext should arms or ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. A more ubiquitous utilization of Second Amendment rights could decrease and deter violent crimes. Exit polling found that 58% of White people, 12% of Black people, 39% of Latinos, 40% of Asians, and 54% of people of other ethnicities vote Republican. The same exit polling found that 30% of voters of color vote Republican. Fifty-seven percent of southerners, 53% of midwesterners, 44% of westerners, and 43% of easterners vote Republican. This shows where support comes from but it also highlights the need for rank-and-file members of the Republican party to increase voter registration. The fact that 53% of first-time voters voted Republican in 2022 underlines this point. The GOP needs to be clear on strong, hard borders. They should make a jobs program in order to complete the walls and fences. Eighty-three percent of voters who say immigration hurts the country vote Republican, and 75% of voters who say immigration helps the country vote Democrat. Republicans ought to be advocating for making the old German Democratic Republic look relaxed on border security in comparison. Seventy-three percent of voters who prioritize immigration vote Republican. This could help to solve the problem of between 70,000 and 100,000 lethal drug overdoses per year in the US. The exit polling shows that 59% of voters think life for the next generation will be worse than today. Forty-four percent are dissatisfied with how the US government is working, and 31% are angry with how the US government is working. Seventy-five percent of Americans said the country is going in the wrong direction. This should have been a layup for the GOP, as 50% of voters dissatisfied with how things in the US are going and 78% of voters who are angry with how things in the US are going voted Republican. Also, 78% of voters who are enthusiastic about how things in the US are going and 87% of voters satisfied with how things in the US are going voted Democrat. Between 51% and 59% of Americans view the economy as the top priority including 71% of Republicans according to an NBC poll. Seventy-five percent of Republicans view the economy as extremely important. That means the economy is the top priority for between 169,525,862 and 196,118,154 Americans, and the economy is the top priority for 27,548,000 Republicans and a high priority for 29,100,000 Republicans. Americans have lost over $4,200 in income since Biden took office. The combination of low wages and inflation has created this dire situation. Fifty-seven percent of voters who prioritize inflation vote Republican. Fifty-two percent of voters who say inflation caused them moderate hardship and 71% of voters who say inflation caused them severe hardship voted Republican, whereas 75% of voters who say inflation caused them no hardship voted Democrat. As New York City Mayor Eric Adams noted in a USA Today article, there is a trend of working people voting Republican more often. Adams is a Democrat. The GOP should take this opportunity with both hands and secure a vice-like grip on the working-class people’s votes. The GOP should be honest about inflation and its causes. Matt Stoller pointed out that corporate avarice is responsible for 60% of inflation. It is price gouging. Theodore Roosevelt busted 44 trusts during both of his administrations. This would break up the price-gouging monopolies. Matt Stoller also pointed out that the $10 trillion worth of corporate welfare in the CARES Act did not help. The GOP should become the kind of party that opposes corporate welfare bailouts such as the $29 trillion for Wall Street banks in response to the Great Recession. The Great Recession was caused by a housing market bubble and Republicans should use trust-busting statutes to break up the housing monopolies that cause such bubbles. Tucker Carlson quoted President Xi Jinping, "Houses are for living in, not speculation." Reuters reported that the Federal Reserve's balance sheet exceeded $8 trillion. Wall Street on Parade reported that the US treasury issued $3.5 trillion worth of securities to the Federal Reserve. The GOP should nationalize and audit the Federal Reserve as it has failed in its aims to maximize employment and stabilize prices. There are 6,059,000 unemployed Americans and the labor force participation rate is 62.2%. The GOP of Eisenhower believed in unions, wage growth, and a super tax on the wealthiest. Eisenhower took the US economy from $389.2 billion in GDP and $2.6975 trillion in real GDP to $562.2 billion in GDP and $3.3457 trillion in real GDP with the highest income tax bracket at 91%. On taxation, the GOP should lower the threshold for the estate tax which is $5.3 million worth of assets per person. One in 700 deaths results in federal estate tax being paid. The highest rate is 40% and the average rate is a mere 17%. Republicans could increase the rate. The estate tax raises $225 billion in a decade. Only 20 small enterprises and family farms owed estate tax in 2013. In 2012, $1.2 trillion was inherited, but only $8.5 billion was raised from the estate tax. The GOP should also make it their mission to cut taxes for those with incomes under $40,525. The 37% rate of tax on those with incomes over $523,600 should be increased. The beneficiaries of said tax breaks are globalists, like the hypocrites in Martha’s Vineyard, who use their wealth to impose a socially liberal agenda against traditional social conservatives. Why should the GOP assist those who are hostile to their voters’ values? Carried interest, which costs US taxpayers $180 billion per decade, is another tax break that benefits hostile globalists. Nationalizing hydrocarbons would allow the US to dramatically ramp up energy production to flood the market in order to reduce household and transport energy costs. This would give Americans more disposable income. The US has 264 billion barrels worth of untapped oil and Drilling Matters stated that US production could save Americans $248 billion. The strategic reserve has 714 million barrels of oil. The US produces 20 million barrels of oil a day which is 20% of the world’s oil production. The US energy market is worth $424.3 billion. These funds could be reinvested in the US. Australia, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates all have higher per capita emissions than the United States. This means that global warming cannot be used as an excuse to make American workers suffer from increasing energy costs. Tucker Carlson has stated that civilizations need food, energy, and water. The US water infrastructure grade is C-minus. The 2.2 million miles of pipes were built during the 1970s and 1980s. Two million Americans don’t have access to clean water, despite a record investment of over $50 billion in the EPA for water infrastructure. The GOP should promise to update, expand, and maintain water infrastructure. This should include irrigation systems for US farmland. On US farmland there should be an acre cap on how much farmland can be procured in the interest of American food security. Hawaii, Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Dakota, and Oklahoma already have laws on farmland ownership. Bill Gates owns over 270,000 acres of farmland. He is a globalist who does not have America’s best interests at heart. An example is how he profited from vaccines to the tune of over $200 billion. Eighty-six percent of US agricultural produce is by family farms and ranches. The GOP should make the case that the 7 in 10 farms that don’t get subsidies should get the $13 billion in subsidies. The farm subsidies go to the largest and wealthiest farms that monopolize food production and farmland. Their net income accumulates to $150 billion. Given the nature of the Republican base, the GOP could do worse than defend small farmers. The US produces 668 million tonnes of food per year worth over $300 billion. This is more than enough food to feed America as 302.5 million tonnes are eaten per year. The agricultural sector employs 1.7 million people. On food security, it is bewildering how the Democratic Party got away with being baby formula-hoarding Kulaks. In May 2022, the Ursula Processing Center was fully stocked with baby formula as American mothers struggled to feed their children. The GOP should have pilloried the Democrats for this gross lack of patriotism. WIC, as the name suggests, supports working-class women, infants, and children. Ninety percent of WIC recipients have household incomes at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. Biden gave Abbott Nutrition a monopoly on providing baby formula. Abbott controls 42% of the baby formula market, which emphasizes the imperative for trust-busting, while Perrigo, Nestle, and Mead Johnson were not able to increase production enough in order to compensate for the shortfall. An Abbott Laboratories plant in Michigan was closed by the FDA in February 2022, after two babies died from a bacterial infection in the powdered formula. Two other babies who were infected survived. Baby formula supplies had decreased by 20%, a fifth, in January 2022. In May, the White House Economic Council admitted that the administration knew in February and had the FDA leading an interagency process on the baby formula shortage. Yet it was still a problem in June 2022 as healthychildren.org reported and this was after, epitomizing sarcastic callousness, Biden joked that he could have done something about it if he was a better mind reader in May, four months after the crisis began and three months after he and others in his administration were made aware of the crisis and its details. Fifty-one percent of full-time workers and 50% of people who don’t work full-time vote Republican. Jobs programs such as those done during Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal would make strategic sense. It should be noted that Roosevelt secured American energy by negotiating with the coal miners’ union and recognized the collective bargaining rights of coal miners in contrast to the laissez-faire neoliberal callousness of Margaret Thatcher. This is similar to the contrast between the National Union of Miners’ members who held the line and the scabs of the Union of Democratic Miners who sold out British coal miners. Getting rid of the right-to-work mindset and repealing anti-union laws would increase the 42% of union household voters who vote Republican. Sixty-two percent of voters who think the US economy is not good or poor vote Republican, and 88% of voters who think the US economy is good or excellent vote Democrat. Seventy-nine percent of voters who say their family’s financial situation is worse than it was two years ago vote Republican. Forty-seven percent of voters say their family’s financial situation is worse than it was two years ago. Seventy-three percent of voters who say their family’s financial situation is the same as it was two years ago vote Democrat. Thirty-three percent of voters say their family’s financial situation is the same as it was two years ago. Seventy-five percent of voters who say their family’s financial situation is better than it was two years ago vote Democrat. Nineteen percent of voters say their family’s financial situation is better than it was two years ago. Forty-five percent of voters with incomes under $50,000 and 49% of voters with incomes under $100,000 vote Republican. The US minimum wage is $7.25 and it has been since 2009. The last 13 years are the longest US workers have gone without a pay increase since the minimum wage was introduced in 1938. The US dollar has lost 28% of its value since 2009, and inflation has increased the cost of living from 31.3% to 33.43% depending on how it is measured. This is economically untenable, and the Republicans should have the courage to increase the incomes of American workers. Laura Ingraham was correct to assert that the GOP should treat Labor Day as election day in order to earn the votes of early voters. Foreign policy is an area where the GOP has been particularly weak and squishy. Over $70 billion to a Nazist junta in eastern Europe is not America first nor could it be honestly construed as such. America has farmland, hydrocarbons, and warm water ports thus America does not need them on Russia’s southwest border. There is no reason America could not get lithium from Australia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Portugal, or Spain. Canada and Mexico would also be good sources of lithium given they are neighboring countries and it would simplify the supply lines. The US itself has lithium. There is no reason to fund violent genocidal Nazis who grab resources. On lithium, there is no need for Biden to deploy 500 troops to Somalia for its lithium. This was done after Trump had withdrawn from Somalia. Hundreds are being killed and half a million are at risk of starvation due to the conflict. Also on the Horn of Africa is the brutal regime change war that the US-backed Tigray People’s Liberation Front is carrying out against Ethiopia for gold, copper, potash, platinum, and natural gas. The war in Ethiopia has killed over 600,000 people. The situation on the Horn of Africa is deadlier than in eastern Europe. The US military aid to Saudi Arabia and UAE since 2015 has totaled over $54.6 billion. This has caused at least 377,000 deaths; there are estimates of over half a million deaths. The Suez Canal blockages in March 2021 and September 2022 show that the Yemeni genocide has little to no effect in securing the shipping lanes and supply lines in the Red Sea which are important as 80% of the world’s oil is shipped through it. These barbaric foreign wars are incompatible with Christian morality. If Americans knew a fuller extent of the atrocities in these wars, then opposition to such neoconservative foreign policy would be stronger and more widespread than it is. As it is, an Associated Press NORC Center for Public Affairs poll found that 20% opposed the US having any role in the conflict in eastern Europe. Foreign aid to the Zionist state has exceeded $260,877,070,000, using figures compiled by the Middle East Monitor and the Jewish Virtual Library, since 1948. This is not America first and one could imagine how developed America and its economy would be if that had been invested domestically. Also support for Palestine among Americans is growing as Gallup polls show that 26% of Americans support Palestine now whereas just 12% supported Palestine in 2013. Twenty-six percent of independents and 38% of Democrats support Palestine. Net support for the Zionist state in the GOP has decreased from 82% in 2018 to 64% now. Thirty-seven percent of Americans under the age of 34 support Palestine, so supporting Palestine would be a good strategy for the future. Americans’ favorability of the Palestinian government has increased from a low of 11% in 2006 to 27% now, whereas Americans’ favorability of the Zionist government has decreased from a high of 79% in 1990 to 71% now. Republicans' favorability of the Zionist government has decreased from 91% to 81%. During the same time, Republicans’ favorability of Palestine increased from 9% to 14%. If the GOP stopped kowtowing to AIPAC, this could be a way to increase voter registration and grow the party. The GOP should be the party of patriots and supporting a state that deliberately killed 34 US Navy sailors, injured 171, and destroyed a Navy technical research ship is not patriotic. There was never any justice for the crew of the USS Liberty. It is not patriotic to support a state which carried out terrorist attacks on Americans during the Lavon affair. The Zionist state calls those who carried out the terrorist attacks on Americans “heroes.” It is not patriotic to support such a state and it is certainly not America first. As a Christian nation, why should America support a state that vandalizes churches, ethnically cleanses Christians, and mockingly nails monkeys to crosses on state television? Has there been any accountability for that? Republicans should ask why it is a bigger priority to secure the Zionist state’s borders than America’s borders. As Tucker Carlson noted it is called the Department of Defense not the Department of Nation Building or the Department of Trans Evangelism. The United States military’s objective should be focused to defend the United States of America. Also, the only nation that the US government should seek to build is the United States of America. The American military should not be the jack-boot enforcers of corrupt despots in Europe and Asia. The United States military budget is $780 billion for the year 2022. Biden has already requested $773 billion for 2023 and it should be noted that Biden requested $743 billion for 2022. The original figure floated for the 2022 military budget was $722 billion. To put these figures into context China spends $237 billion, Saudi Arabia spends, $67.6 billion, India spends $61 billion, Britain spends $55.1 billion, Germany spends $50 billion, Japan spends $49 billion, Russia spends $48 billion, the Republic of Korea spends $44 billion, and France spends $41.5 billion. The next nine biggest military expenditures accumulate to a total of $653.2 billion which is less than one year’s expenditure in the United States. Where are the deficit hawks who abhor debt and love fiscal rectitude(?) The Pentagon should be audited as Yahoo reported that over $35 trillion has gone missing from the Pentagon. A nation that is $30 trillion in debt could really have used that money to pay the said debt off. It is not as if sucking up to AIPAC has worked well for the GOP, as a J Street exit poll found that Jews voted for the Democrats over the Republicans by 74% to 25%, and even the Fox News poll had only 33% Jewish support for the GOP. No matter how above and beyond the GOP goes for the Zionist state, it will never be rewarded with a majority of Jewish votes.
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