Update on Ukraine and Malorossiya

A lot of people in the media are crying crocodile tears for European, blond-haired and blue-eyed children. Yet the same media did not care about European, blond-haired and blue-eyed children in Yugoslavia and South Africa. They certainly did not care about Ukraine bombing European, blond-haired and blue-eyed Malorossiyan children in Donetsk and Lugansk for eight years in genocide. Does anyone recall anyone in the media pouring their heart out for Ireland? This is the same media that pushed Pan Europe and Practical Idealism as hard as it could. It is also worth remembering the media’s utter callousness to blond-haired and blue-eyed children in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. The media are unsympathetic and lack empathy towards those with other phenotypic features. Neither the Tamil genocide nor Congo Wars made headlines as much as they ought to have. The Saudi genocide in Yemen does not get the coverage it warrants. On the subject of the Tamils, much of the world did not recognise Tamil Eelam’s attempt to secede and declare independence but the United Nations did recognise East Timor. Tamils live under a genocidal Sinhalese state in Sri Lanka just as the Timorese lived under a genocidal Javanese state in Indonesia. The same hypocrisy is at play in Ukraine and Malorossiya.

When the Berlin Wall fell the United States promised the Soviet Union that NATO would not expand one inch east. Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, and Macedonia have all joined NATO since March 1999. Particularly worrying for Russian security concerns is that Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are NATO members on Russia's western border. There are missiles in Poland, Romania, and Turkey which are all pointed at Russia.

Imagine Russia threatened, blackmailed, and gave ultimatums to the Canadian and Mexican governments. Imagine if the Canadian and Mexican governments did deals with the US so that they did not have to capitulate to such threats, blackmail, and ultimatums. Imagine if Russia in response backed national socialist coups in Ottawa and Mexico City then proceeded to select the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico. Imagine southern Canada and northern Mexico seceding from their respective states in response and then facing an almost decade-long genocide carried out by the Russian-backed national socialist militias. Imagine if refugees from said genocide flooded into the US. Imagine if the Russian-backed national socialists had the audacity to shell the US.

How would Americans feel? Now imagine how Russians feel.

The US backed a Nazi coup starting in November 2013 and culminating in the overthrow of the elected president in 2014. The US proceeded to select the Prime Minister of Ukraine. Crimea went back to Russia then Donetsk and Lugansk seceded from Ukraine. Since then overt Nazis have been carrying on genocide against Malorossiyans in Donetsk and Lugansk. That is happening on Russia's southwest border. Zelensky passed a race law last June that said ethnic Russians were not indigenous Ukrainians. This is baffling as Volodymyr Zelensky is from Kryvyi Rih which is a Russian speaking part of Ukraine and he ran for president as a peace candidate. It is bewildering that Zelensky's grandfather fought for the Red Army against Stepan Bandera and the Nazis, lost family members in the Holocaust and Zelensky declares Bandera a national hero. Zelensky has behaved like an autocratic dictator as he has imposed curfews, declared martial law and removed Russian language channels from Ukrainian television.

The Ukrainian military artillery shelling intensified after the Russian military operation began. Bear in mind that Ukraine increased its shelling of Donetsk and Lugansk tenfold prior to the Russian military operation. Over 15,000 were killed in the Donbass and the UN found that the Ukrainian military was responsible for 81% of civilian casualties. Videos of the Azov Battalion deliberately shooting civilians in Maiupol have appeared online since Russia's military operation began. The EU prepared a delivery of €450m worth of weapons to Ukraine. The US under Biden provided $1.65 billion of military aid to Ukraine which over half of the $3.2 billion in military aid from the US to Ukraine since the Maidan coup. Germany sent 1,000 anti tank weapons and 500 Stinger missiles to Ukraine.

Liberals are acting as if Russia, Belarus, Malorossiya, Transnistria, and Chechnya just suddenly turned against Ukraine yet liberals do not mention Maidan, Odessa, or Donbass. Odessa is when Nazis burned 46 people to death in a trade union building.

This situation in Ukraine did not occur between 1922 and 1940 and it did not occur between 1945 and 1991. It's as if Russia and Ukraine had stable systems in their countries at that time.

Another thing liberals say is Putin's Russia is Fascist and they cite the existence of the Russian Patriotic Union and National Bolshevik Party/ The Other Russia as evidence of their argument. Liberals forget that these parties did not exist prior to 1991 and that the political parties in modern Russia emerged from a regime change agenda that liberals supported. I don't recall liberals freaking out when Clinton rigged an election for Yeltsin against Zyuganov and then Clinton bragged about it. I don't remember liberals complaining when Clinton and Yeltsin discussed promoting a certain FSB officer named Vladimir Putin to be Prime Minister, a move that sent him on the road to the presidency. One more thing, in comparison to Poroshenko and Zelensky, Viktor Yanukovich's presidency is looking good now.

The times in Ukraine's history that it reached its territorial peak were first in the eleventh century under Yaroslav I's Kievan Rus and latterly in 1954 under the Soviet Union led by Nikita Krushchev. In both cases, Ukraine was in the same state as Russia and Belarus and Ukraine worked with Russia and Belarus. This shows that Ukraine can advance its national interest if it works with Russia and Belarus and that Ukraine not working with Russia and Belarus does not work out well for Ukrainian national interest.

80% of Ukrainians voted to retain the Soviet Union. Ukraine went from being the second most powerful Soviet country which was the economic equal of France to being as weak as Puerto Rico and the poorest country in Europe.

It is worth remembering the Budapest insurrection. A similar situation is happening in Malorossiya. People in the West were not praying for Ukrainians during the Budapest insurrection. Nikita Krushchev and millions of Red Army soldiers were Ukrainian. George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Energy is often a factor in geopolitical strategy and military affairs. There is the often mentioned Nord Stream 2.

The German Democratic Republic never inflicted self-harm like the freezing of Nord Stream 2. It got 70% of its energy from lignite and 10% from nuclear power due to reactors imported from the Soviets.
Germany relies on gas for 12.2% of its energy and nuclear power for 12.6% of its energy. Germany is phasing out nuclear power so that is a quarter of its energy it needs to account for.


Nord Stream 2 has the support of political parties in Germany. The Left- 94%, Alternative for Germany-84%, Free Democratic Party- 82%, Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union- 81%, Social Democratic Party- 75%, and the Greens- 69%.

75% of Germans support Nord Stream 2 and 17% of Germans oppose it. This means freezing Nord Stream 2 is undemocratic.


Another factor Ukraine failed to take into account before sabre rattling was that Russia and Belarus were the sources of 70% of Ukrainian oil imports. Is Germany able to fill the gap in the Ukrainian oil market, given that their own energy needs will be in dire straits?

Russia has energy resources worth over $844 billion and Russia’s energy sector accounts for 60% of Russia’s gross domestic product. Russia’s energy exports generate  $167 billion of revenue,
Ukraine’s energy reserves require $19.5 billion of investment, Ukraine had 5.4 trillion cubic metres of estimated natural gas reserves, 1,1 trillion cubic metres of proven natural gas reserves, over 400 million tons of gas, and 850 million tons/ 395 million barrels of oil reserves. Ukraine’s energy exports are worth $555.51 million. Ukraine produces 14.4 million tons of oil equivalent in coal, 16.5 million tons of oil equivalent in gas, and 2.3 million tons of oil equivalent in crude oil. Ukraine produces 83 terawatt-hours of nuclear power, making it the seventh-largest in the world, and nuclear power accounts for over half of Ukraine’s electricity. 65% of Ukraine’s energy needs are met with domestic production.

West of Crimea are gas and oil fields that contain 58.6 billion cubic metres of natural gas, 1.231 million tons of natural gas condensates, and 2.53 million tons of crude oil. This was obviously a motivating factor in taking back Crimea as was the Sevastopol naval base. 6% of Ukraine’s energy reserves are in the Black Sea shelf and Azov sea. It accounts for 5% of Ukraine’s oil and gas production.

The Carpathian region contains 13% of Ukraine’s energy reserves and 6% of Ukraine’s energy production. Boryslav in Lviv once produced 80% of Polish oil when it was part of Poland.

The United States defends its unjustifiable ongoing embargo against Cuba with the rationalisation that it is in the United States’ backyard. The United States opposed Irish unity and independence on the basis that the United States did not want another Cuba in Europe’s backyard. If people take the position that countries can pursue their national interests and intervene on the grounds of security in countries that are proximal, that rationale should be applied with consistency. If Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama and Venezuela are in the United States’ backyard then Ukraine and Molorossiya are on Russia’s doorstep. The world eagerly condemned Russia for it's military operation while largely ignoring US shellling of Somalia, Israel shelling of Palestine and Syria, and the Saudi shelling of Yemen despite all these events happening simultaneously.


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