The situation in Ukraine and the Malorossiyan republics of Donetsk and Lugansk

Imagine Russia threatened, blackmailed, and gave ultimatums to the Canadian and Mexican governments. Imagine if the Canadian and Mexican governments did deals with the US so that they did not have to capitulate to such threats, blackmail, and ultimatums. Imagine if Russia in response backed national socialist coups in Ottawa and Mexico City then proceeded to select the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico. Imagine southern Canada and northern Mexico seceding from their respective states in response and then facing an almost decade-long genocide carried out by the Russian-backed national socialist militias. Imagine if refugees from said genocide flooded into the US. Imagine if the Russian-backed national socialists had the audacity to shell the US. How would Americans feel? Now imagine how Russians feel.

This situation in Ukraine did not occur between 1922 and 1940 and it did not occur between 1945 and 1991. It's as if Russia and Ukraine had stable systems in their countries at that time.

Another thing liberals say is Putin's Russia is Fascist and they cite the existence of the Russian Patriotic Union and National Bolshevik Party/ The Other Russia as evidence of their argument. Liberals forget that these parties did not exist prior to 1991 and that the political parties in modern Russia emerged from a regime change agenda that liberals supported. I don't recall liberals freaking out when Clinton rigged an election for Yeltsin against Zyuganov and then Clinton bragged about it. I don't remember liberals complaining when Clinton and Yeltsin discussed promoting a certain FSB officer named Vladimir Putin to be Prime Minister, a move that sent him on the road to the presidency. One more thing, in comparison to Poroshenko and Zelensky, Viktor Yanukovich's presidency is looking good now.

The times in Ukraine's history that it reached its territorial peak were first in the eleventh century under Yaroslav I's Kievan Rus and latterly in 1954 under the Soviet Union led by Nikita Krushchev. In both cases, Ukraine was in the same state as Russia and Belarus and Ukraine worked with Russia and Belarus. This shows that Ukraine can advance its national interest if it works with Russia and Belarus and that Ukraine not working with Russia and Belarus does not work out well for Ukrainian national interest.


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