
Showing posts from March, 2022

March 2022 news focus on Russia and Ukraine


NATO illegally using Shannon airport

NATO is illegally using Shannon airport Article 29 of the 1937 Free State constitution. It is the neutrality clause. "Ireland affirms its devotion to the ideal of peace and friendly co-operation amongst nations founded on international justice and morality." "The State shall not adopt a decision taken by the European Council to establish a common defence pursuant to Article 42 of the Treaty on European Union where that common defence would include the State." Britian and the US are violating said neutrality. "NATO led by the US and UK are transporting large quantities of weapons and munitions to Ukraine, and are providing training to the Ukrainian army. It looks like we in Ireland may have been actively cooperating with these dangerous activities." "NATO Air Forces Using Shannon Like its their Military Base" http://www.shannonwatch.or...

Ukraine's Nazi problem

There are 37,541,693 Ukrainians in Ukraine. (State Statistics Committee of Ukraine) Liberals defend Ukraine saying only between 8% and 10% are Nazis, That means there could be at least between 3,003,335 and 3,754,169 Nazis in Ukraine. In October 2012 Svoboda got 10.44% of the votes in the parliamentary election. It should be noted that Svoboda is the political wing of C14. Svoboda itself used to be called the Social-National Party of Ukraine. Svoboda, prior to the 1998 election, was part of the Less Words electoral coalition. This coalition also contained the All-Ukrainian Political Movement "State Independence of Ukraine" party which only accepted ethnic Ukrainians as members. Fatherland, the party whose leader incited Russian genocide, had an electoral pact with Svoboda. (NY Times, Kyiv Post) Fatherland got 25.55% of the votes in the 2012 election. The Patriots of Ukraine/ National Corps Party git 2.15% of votes in the July 2019 parliamentary election. The Ukrainian Nationa...

Russia and Ukraine


Update on Ukraine and Malorossiya

A lot of people in the media are crying crocodile tears for European, blond-haired and blue-eyed children. Yet the same media did not care about European, blond-haired and blue-eyed children in Yugoslavia and South Africa. They certainly did not care about Ukraine bombing European, blond-haired and blue-eyed Malorossiyan children in Donetsk and Lugansk for eight years in genocide. Does anyone recall anyone in the media pouring their heart out for Ireland? This is the same media that pushed Pan Europe and Practical Idealism as hard as it could. It is also worth remembering the media’s utter callousness to blond-haired and blue-eyed children in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. The media are unsympathetic and lack empathy towards those with other phenotypic features. Neither the Tamil genocide nor Congo Wars made headlines as much as they ought to have. The Saudi genocide in Yemen does not get the coverage it warrants. On the subject of the Tamils, much of the world did not recognise Tamil E...